Anti-Workout Shirts for the Non-Gym Goer in 2014

Yes, custom shirts can be a great motivator for those that made the New Year’s resolution to get into shape, but customized shirts are also fun for the non-gym goers too! Maybe your New Year’s resolution for 2014 is to enjoy things a little more and not to hit the gym, because let’s face it, some of us are not all that cracked up about fitness.

Instead of running on the treadmill, many of us would rather be getting our cardio in by doing a little shopping! So for those of you who are resisting the New Year’s resolution trend of working out, we have anti-workout shirts that will express everything you love besides push-ups and sit-ups. We have tons of great anti-workout shirts based around all the good stuff in life like pizza, naps, and of course, shopping! If we don’t have a design that expresses what you would rather be doing than working out, create your own using our design center.

What do you love more than working out and would put on an anti-workout shirt?

Anti-workout shirts