Look Up and Smile :)

Look Up and Smile :)

Back Story: When I was 19 years old, I got pregnant. I was working at a golf course serving food and beverages. It was, at the time, the toughest challenge I had faced in my life. I just wanted answers; I wanted to know at that very moment exactly how my life would pan out, but I knew that was impossible. One day a man paid for his food with cash, and one of the bills had writing on it. When it caught my eye, I froze, as I read the words, "Look Up and Smile. :)" It struck my heart deeply, as I was standing there pondering life. This was the answer I needed to hear. I quickly swapped out one of the tip bills in my apron for this one, and later tucked it away in my wallet. That was about twelve years ago, and at some point as a single mother I got down to my "bottom dollar" and had to spend it. But those words have stuck with me, and they have gotten me through so many of the trials I have faced. Just remember that you are never alone... So look up, and smile. :)

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