39 Baker Drive

39 Baker Drive

Little did we know when the Lord brought us together as faux finishing painter and auto adjuster manager over ten years ago, that our passions for vintage rustic style and working with our hands would create an ongoing journey of love & joy in our marriage. He in his Woodshop, me in my Studio or Kitchen, both under our rented roof at 39 Baker Drive. How we moved to this beautiful city-like townhouse in one of Illinois favorite shopping destination suburbs is a long story with many twists, turns, bumps, blood, sweat & tears, but one we are grateful for. We know that the Lord uses all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:29) Well, we definitely love Him more than life, and we are walking out His calling from one day, one prayer, and one project to the next in our home here on Baker Drive. In His love, Randy & Sherri Ohler


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