Twin Flames Do Exist, Just Not All End Up Together, Physically

Twin Flames Do Exist, Just Not All End Up Together, Physically

***Updates**** We recently changed our name from "Soul Mates Do Exist, Just Not All End Up Together" to "Twin Flames Do Exist, Just Not All End Up Together since we didn't know the differences when we first began this beautiful journey. Be sure to check out our new links and stuff for (Kind of) a remodeling being done soon! We will be changing the shirts etc...and adding some to the mix with the new name. We started off on a Facebook page dedicated to people who have found, lost, or looking for their Twin Flame. We want to be able to help others going through a tough time and eventually write a book about Twin Flames and Soul Mates. We thought it would be cool to have a store now to sell merchandise to help promote our cause. So let God be with everyone and bring love your way <3

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