Ein Bier! I’m Celebrating Oktoberfest in My Oktoberfest Shirt

When the best beer festival arrives, all girls become German girls! It’s the time of the year when we channel the beer drinking expertise of Germany’s ladies while experiencing the local Oktoberfest in town. If you’re going to Oktoberfest, we’re guessing you’re going for the beer, sausage and polka music, not to wear your dirndl or lederhosen! While some will surely be wearing the traditional German attire, you can instead be comfortable and still fashionable in your own Oktoberfest shirt!

Create an Oktoberfest shirt or choose one we already have designed for you in our gallery at Customized Girl! Even if you have a slight inkling to wear the traditional German attire to Oktoberfest, you can always choose to go with a lederhosen design on your shirt! Remember, dressing the part is just as important as being part of the celebration! Happy Oktoberfest!

Want Oktoberfest Shirts? We’ve Got Them!

oktoberfest shirt never enough sausage

oktoberfest shirt oktoberfest last longer

oktoberfest shirt you like my mugs

oktoberfest shirt German girls kick ass

10 Statements From Saved By The Bell That Will Help You Get Through the School Year

“What I look like is not as important as who I am, Bubba.” – Jessie Spano

We all love fall fashion, the scarves, the boots and the cozy sweaters. And, of course, we especially love sloth shirts.  However, fashion isn’t all there is to you. Knowing and staying true to who you are will serve you well all year long, regardless of fashion trends.

The Sundaes

“Slater: You are a very strange person.

Screech: [flattered] Well, thanks for noticing.”

Screech is weird, but he’s right! It’s important to embrace your individuality. We each have something unique whether it’s a passion for stamp collecting, a strange talent for remembering dates or ability to tell a knock-knock joke at the drop of a hat. Join a new club or step up to lead one you were a part of last year to cultivate and grow those skills.

“Zack’s idea of a good education is sitting between a pretty girl and a smart nerd.” –Jessie Spano

Zack might be a funny loving goof ball but where would we be without Jessie’s insights? She’s right – Zack never saw school as more than a way to fill time between weekends. But at least he know what his priorities are, right? Take the time to write down your three or four top priorities for this school year, or for this business quarter.

“Slater: Hey, mama, wanna have a burger with a real man?

Jessie: Sure, I’ll go find one.”

Don’t settle – not for friends who treat you badly and not for boys who seem to think that a burger at the Max is a good as it gets.

I have a map of every mall from here to Tijuana.” – Lisa Turtle

Like Lisa, it pays to be prepared. It might be just thinking about what you want from the mall or -gasp- actually studying for that exam but a little foresight never hurt anybody.


Go to class, learn something.” – Mr. Belding

You gotta show up – to class, to the awkward dorm mixer, to the football game. Making friends in a new environment isn’t easy but you have to put yourself out there. Introduce yourself to a new person a week. And it does get easier with practice.

So many boys, so little time.” – Kelly Kapowski

Just like Kelly, we all need a little spunk for life. Whether it’s taking on a new project at work, or jumping into an accelerated class, or joining a new club, there is always a new opportunity to put yourself out there and grow.  Try taking on a new experience this month.  Sign up for a class you’ve been putting off, or talk to someone you’ve been putting off for a while.

“Zack, I am not a matador so take the bull outside.” – Mr. Belding

Mr. Belding always had a quick comeback to the stunts the gang was always trying to pull. Being quick on your feet will help you handle life’s little hiccups with easy and a sense of humor.

Yeah, ‘I have all these problems and there’s no-one ever there for me. I talk and talk and talk but no-one ever listens.” – Lisa Turtle

Lisa certainly isn’t ever short on words. Despite that, we all have time when we don’t feel heard. It doesn’t hurt to be like Lisa, not afraid to talk about what’s going on with your gang of good friends.

“You know, I’ve finally found out the best thing about high school, once you graduate you don’t have to come back.” – Zack Morris

Enjoy yourself while you can – life doesn’t slow down!  Don’t get too focused on what’s next in your life; take time to enjoy where you are now, and make memories that you’ll always look back on.

10 Statements from Save By The Bell

Save Second Base and Show Us Your Custom Breast Cancer Designs

Last week we showed you our favorite breast cancer shirts that we have available for you to personalize on Customized Girl and now it’s your turn! We have seen some pretty awesome designs coming off the printing line and we want to hear the stories behind them!

Email us directly at customizedgirlartists@eretailing.com with the story about your breast cancer awareness shirt design and you just might be featured on our blog!

In your email, please provide:

  • One paragraph telling us about your design and the cause.
  • A photo of your shirt.
  • A link (if you have one) to more information about your breast cancer event.
  • Also, use #PinkCure (the official breast cancer awareness hashtag of Customized Girl), so others can see what you have created using the Customized Girl design center!

We would like to feature some of the stories we receive on our blog next month in order to help get the word out about the event or person you are supporting! We look forward to reading and featuring some outstanding breast cancer events on the Customized Girl blog!

Custom Breast Cancer Shirts

Also, remember to use promo code CGCURE to get $3.94 off your order for free shipping! When you use promo code CGCURE, 10% of the proceeds from your order go to The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research. Help us in the fight towards finding a cure and raising awareness!

Related Articles:

Background Story on The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Awareness

Raising Funds for Breast Cancer Research

Fundraising for Breast Cancer Research

TREND ALERT: Is The Fox The New Gangnam Style?

Were or are you a Gangnam Style fan? If so, there is a new video storming the scene that leads us to believe it might be the next video craze! The song is from a Norwegian comedy band called Ylvis and the music video, “The Fox” was created to bring attention to their talk show on TVNorge.

Once you watch the video, you will be instantly hooked or immediately turned off. The music video features people dressed up as animals dancing around in the woods asking the question, “What does the fox say?” “A-hee-ahee ha-hee” and “Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow” are just some of the guesses made in the video as to what the fox says. If attention is what Ylvis wanted, they definitely got it! The music video already has over 20 million views on YouTube and is climbing fast!

Watch the video and let us know what you think! Will you be singing, “The Fox”?

What Does The Fox Say Shirts

What Does The Fox Say Shirt

What Does The Fox Say Shirt 2

What Does The Fox Say Shirts 3

It’s the Pirate Life on Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Talk like a pirate day cat
Yoho! Is the pirate life for you? Do you dream of a life filled with adventure alongside your trusty crew as you travel to islands like Tortuga, where the beverage of rum awaits along with your next treasure exploration? Well, today you can do more than just dream about the pirate life because it’s talk like a pirate day! Talk like a pirate day gives you the prime opportunity to brush up on your pirate vocabulary, so you are ready when the pirate life finally calls your name. Show some of the pirate spirit you have inside and bust out your favorite pirate talk like “Why is the rum always gone” and “Drink up me hearties!” Go all out for talk like a pirate day and look the part, by dressing like a pirate or at least donning some pirate apparel to keep the pirate mystique alive and well!

Give us your best pirate talk and comment below!

Some pirate apparel for talk like a pirate day:

The pirate life for me shirt

Why is the rum always gone

Pirate can cooler

Pirate just add rum shirt

Top 7 Breast Cancer Awareness Shirts

With the Customized Girl fundraiser for breast cancer research fully underway and the fact that next month is breast cancer awareness month, we wanted to highlight some of our favorite designs that you can easily customize on our website! Show your support for breast cancer awareness by checking out all of the designs we have available for you to choose from!

Here are some of our favorite breast cancer awareness shirt designs

Fight Like Girl, Win Like A Woman

While guys may think they are stronger, the truth is they can’t fight like a girl and win like a woman can!

Fight like a girl breast cancer shirt

POW Pink

Channel your super heroine with these POW shirts! With our official hashtag for breast cancer research being #PinkCure, these two designs are naturally one of our favorites!

POW Pink Breast Cancer Shirt

POW Cure

POW Cure Breast Cancer Shirt

Save the Boobies

Since breast cancer awareness and Halloween fall in the same month, we had to create a shirt that would combine both!

Save the boobies breast cancer shirt

Real Men Rock Pink

Men may shy away from wearing pink 11 months out of the year, but October is the one month they’ll wear pink proudly to show their support for breast cancer!

Real Men Rock Pink Breast Cancer Shirt

Time to Tackle Breast Cancer

Who’s tough? Women are tough, but so are football players! With the football season here, what better time to show your support for breast cancer than on a football jersey?

Time to Tackle Breast Cancer Shirt


A pink watercolor ribbon shirt for the breast cancer survivor.

Survivor Breast Cancer Shirt

These are our favorite designs! What are your favorites?

Top 7 Breast Cancer Awareness Shirt Designs

Related Articles:

Background Story on The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Awareness

Raising Funds for Breast Cancer Research

Fundraising for Breast Cancer Research

Use #PINKCURE and show us your customized designs!

PM Anyone? Lookbook by Garfa

This set was created by Polyvore user Garfa. We loved it so much we wanted to feature it here on our blog. Have you created any Polyvore sets using items from Customized Girl? Do you think it should be featured here on our blog? Comment on this post and let us know! Don’t forget to include a link to your Polyvore set!

PM anyone?

Shirt top

Canvas sneaker
$53 – towerboots.com

Summer hat
$53 – youheshe.com

$15 – urbanexcess.com

Rimmel eye makeup
$11 – asos.com

Stila eyeliner

Make a Statement with Custom Teddy Bears

Teddy bears are one of the best gifts to give and receive! They are traditional, yet an item that instantly brings comfort to anyone, probably because it was one of the first gifts we received as a child and something we hang on to forever.

As customary and effective they may be as a gift, teddy bears could use a little sprucing up to punch up the wow factor. Customize a teddy bear for that special someone by adding you own text, art and even images at Customized Girl! Yes, you can even upload an image and put it on a teddy bear, something unique only to our website!

Our custom teddy bears are outfitted with a plain white t-shirt that will be the canvas for customizing. Create the perfect message on your teddy bear and make it stand out from all the rest! Did you need more than one teddy bear? No problem! We can you help customize as many as you need or we can deliver that one custom teddy bear you were looking for because we offer no minimums!

What was the best teddy bear you ever received as a gift?

Custom Teddy Bears

Related Articles:

Custom Stuffed Animals

Prom Teddy Bears

Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll send you exclusive offers!

Click here to sign up


We heart statements.

Statements are interesting little things.  Simple words strung together to leave an impact, encase a memory, or instigate a response.  Sometimes they are hilariously funny and inappropriate.  At other times, they are heavy and significant.  Sometimes, they have an air of sadness about them.  And still, sometimes statements are just plain cute.

At Customized Girl, we see all kinds of statements everyday.  Our customers often send their stories with their orders; talking excitedly about their hopes for their design and custom shirts.  This is interesting because these women aren’t passionate about shirt fabrics and print methods (which are the kind of things we geek out about). Rather, they enthusiastically talk about the idea behind their shirt design.

All of these women, stories, and statements have helped us discover something; statements have a unique way of connecting and moving us.

We like to think that we can help these statements make a beautiful impact.  From now on, our blog posts will fall into one of four main categories:

  • THE CUSTOM LIFESTYLE: Statements and thoughts that will make you laugh out loud and shake your head. There are numerous stories and trends going on right now that will fill you with emotions and we want to bring them to surface.
  • STATEMENT MAKERS: Interviews of women across the world who are making statements in small or large ways in their cities and communities. These powerful women should be celebrated for taking the initiative on a cause that is making a difference. We hope these women will inspire you to create a statement and message that is your passion.
  • BEHIND THE SEAMS: And, of course, we’ll still share some of our favorite designs to spark your statement-making potential. Since we’re constantly adding new designs and products, we want you to know what’s available to customize so you can make your statement and at the same time, look great in the latest styles!

There are few more changes you might notice today. The Customized Girl tagline has changed to “Make your statement.” And we’re launching a series of new “About” pages too. Check ’em all out:

We’re not just doing things differently with our blog and our brand. In the printing business, there is always room for improvement, and over the past nine months we have greatly improved our print quality thanks to state of the art techniques and our new drying system. We’re pushing the boundaries of digital printing to new levels!

Together, we are a community of statement makers.  We’ll be looking forward to your statements as you respond in the comments and across our social feeds.

We hope that you’ll join us as we celebrate statements!

Label Rebels – Chicks Crushing Cancer

Chicks Crushing Cancer 1

We said we wanted to put our customers in the spotlight and today is the beginning of that movement! Our customers create so many great designs for so many meaningful moments that it is time to share them with the rest of our community! When you create your original looks we consider you “label rebels” because you are not settling for apparel that others companies think you should wear. Instead you are creating fashion that is one-of-a kind on Customized Girl.

Our first label rebel is Amber of Chicks Crushing Cancer. Amber and her family are on a mission to raise funds for cancer research and the customer apparel she created played a big part in their fundraising efforts.

Here is the story behind her design.

“I have been using Customized girl for years to create and personalize shirts and gifts.  The website is easy to use and the customer service is great!  This year I decided to run my first marathon with the determiNation program to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society.  I will be running the Chicago Marathon on 10/13/13.  I was very intimidated asking people for money and didn’t know where to begin with fundraising.  I had an idea to get t-shirts made for me and my four daughters.  I started a facebook page called “Chicks Crushing Cancer,” which is the fundraising team I joined to raise money.  My daughters and I started wearing the shirts in each of our races throughout the year and the girls would also wear these shirts to the races too!  I always made sure to take lots of pictures of us and started posting them on my page.  I never even had to ask people for donations, only to “like” my facebook page.  Before I knew it, I had raised more than $1000 in a little over a month.

Today I have more than 200 “likes” on my page and over $2000 in donations.  We recently had a great photographer take some pictures of us in our shirts and I was really happy with the turn out.  Everyone has been so supportive and it feels good to be making such a difference.  I lost my dad to cancer a couple years ago and hope that we can some day find a cure.  I always tell people that EVERY donation counts and I try to get a $5 donation from everyone I see!

If anyone would like to help support me and my cause please like my facebook page and consider donating. [Chicks Crushing Cancer Facebook Page.]

All online donations need to be in by October 28, 2013. [Amber’s fundraising page on the American Cancer Society’s website.]

Pictures were taken by Juliana Leigh Photography. ”

Chicks Crushing Cancer 2

Chicks Crushing Cancer 3

Chicks Crushing Cancer 4


Are you making a statement with your custom apparel? Are you creating your own fashion label? Let us know! We’d love to talk. Email customizedgirl@eretailing.com.