UPDATE: This design contest has ended. We appreciate everyone’s participation in this fun event!
Who else is at home with their kids right now?
Feels like this so-called “three week spring break” is going to last a lot longer than that.
Need something fun to do with the kids?
We’re launching a t-shirt design contest!
Parents, get together with your kids and follow these steps to become your own fashion designers!
- Pick a shirt on CustomizedGirl.com
- Use our Design Center to make something original and unique!
- Save your design.
- Share the link in the comments on this Facebook post!
We’ll end the contest in a few days and choose a winner. If you win, we’ll print your shirt and ship it to you!
And then we’ll launch another contest! We’ll keep this going so keep checking back on our Facebook post.
We hope you and the kids have fun getting creative!
We really appreciate your support!
More Details:
- We recommend helping the kids through the process the first time.
- The parent can post the link to Facebook.
- To save a design, you’ll need to sign into your account or create one for free. You’ll be able to access all your saved designs in your account.
- The design center is meant to be a playground, so have fun. Check out all the fonts in our Add Text tab. Check out all the great illustrations in the Add Art tab. And of course, you can always upload your own picture in the Add Image tab.
- Enter as many times as you want.
- If you don’t use Facebook, feel free to share your link in the comments below.
Please share our Facebook post with your friends. We all need something to do with our kids that is fun, free, online, and productive.