We wanted to do something fun to celebrate October this year, the spookiest month of all! So we asked the people on our marketing team what their favorite movies to watch for Halloween are. Get to know us and get some great movie recommendations below!
As the Marketing Team’s resident horror buff, I watch scary movies all year long and have a huge place in my heart for all the classics, Freddy Kruger being my all-time favorite horror villain. Having said that, I still think my favorite movie to watch during Halloween has to be Ernest Scared Stupid. It’s just the perfect mix of campy Halloween fun, simple but effective storytelling, and some of the best practical effects of all time. Even after all these years, it continues to hold up as a great Halloween film for folks of all ages.

Well, for someone who hates scary movies, Halloween isn’t really my favorite movie holiday. I still have nightmares from watching Poltergeist, Freddy, Halloween, and Friday the 13th as a kid. The worst. So if I had to pick one, I’d say my favorite movies are the Harry Potter series. Not technically Halloween, but it still fits the season and I’m always in the mood to re-watch them when October rolls around.

I never was a fan of horror or scary movies growing up. Still today it isn’t something I gravitate towards regularly. When I was a kid, the first scary movie I watched was Friday the 13th. I remember not being able to sleep for a few days after even though it really isn’t that scary. I am only now starting to watch more of the horror section on Netflix since it is spooky season, but I still don’t watch scary movies alone. I am almost done with Haunting of Hill House, and it’s really good! Of course, American Horror Story is incredible too… but the intro is always more frightening than the actual show haha. My favorite Halloween “movie” though, is The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Growing up, it was one of Mom & I’s favorite Fall traditions to watch Hocus Pocus together. We’d carve our Jack O’Lanterns––fresh from the pumpkin patch––and afterward, we’d cozy up on the couch in pajamas for the event. I had a huge crush on Thackery Binx (and still do, if we’re being honest). More recently, though, I’ve been enjoying indie horror films like The Invitation, or the all-too-disturbing psychological thrillers like The Lodge and Mother.

Has anyone ever heard of The Halloween Tree? It’s an animated Hanna-Barbera made-for-television movie that aired on Cartoon Network every Halloween season in the 90’s. It tells the story of four friends who skip trick-or-treating in favor of chasing after their fifth friend’s spirit in an attempt to save them. The film explores the way different cultures celebrate their own version of Halloween and in retrospect, is really educational. Which would have completely turned me off as a kid, but it’s done in a really fun way.
Fun fact: I recently learned that this movie is based off Ray Bradbury’s 1972 novel by the same name, is narrated by Ray Bradbury, and also features Leonard Nimoy in the voice cast!
So there’s the list of our favorite movies to watch for Halloween! Have you seen any of the films we mentioned? What are some of your favorite films to watch during the month of October to get you in the Halloween spirit? Leave your movie recommendations in the comments! Happy Halloween!
I’ve only watched a few of the Harry Potter movies but I do say that they were all pretty good when I watched them. I say that that they fit Halloween just fine. Witches and wizards are part of halloween and Harry Potter has plenty of those to go around.